Teachers and Staff

Adopt-a-Coatesville Teacher” was created four (4) years ago to encourage, support, and show our Coatesville teachers how much we love and appreciate everything they do for our students and this community.  It is a great opportunity for our community, parents, and even students to give back while also encouraging our teachers throughout the year.  
Teachers and staff who have been adopted: If you have not received an email from us and know you are adopted here is some information you should know:

Amazon Wish List

Though our main focus for the school year is to have your adoptive family be an added support and encouragement to you, families normally want to know what the needs are for the classroom.  Families who remain anonymous throughout the year often appreciate these lists since they don’t have to keep asking as the year goes on.  

We know that for many teachers, this is not something they are always comfortable doing.  However, please understand that this is just a helpful tool, not a requirement for our families.  We honestly believe that most parents out there will appreciate your suggestions. And that’s all they are: Suggestions. Parents can take them or leave them. It’s ultimately their choice!

I have attached directions on how to create an Amazon Wish List.



Families want to get to know more about the person they adopted!  They want to get to know about you and the job we appreciate you so much for!  By registering, it will help us provide yo

Your adoptive family with the information so many families request.  Families truly want to support you in the way you need it - especially as we potentially start another school year virtually.  


This registration is more like an "About You" introduction to your adopted family.  Just give us a little background on why you do what you do, how your adoptive family can best support you, and do your best to list a few of your favorite things.  Linking your Amazon wish list is just a bonus!